• Client : Sodexo Prestige

Signature and contemporaneity

Expertise used

Kotska was commissioned by Sodexo Prestige to imagine the decoration of the Paris yachts and bring them together under a single design banner in keeping with the brand's new positioning.

Incarnate deco
Yachts de Paris

The cachet to enhance

Kotska takes the materials of the Parisian fleet (brass, wood, fabric, transparency, pattern, lines) and reworks them to find a balance that allows the diffusion of a unique identity within each boat and lounge: Acajou, Excellence, Victoria, Cachemire, Mirage, Paquebot, Salons Nework and Barge Liberty. Reinforce the cachet of the fleet and bring warmth and life to the interiors through contemporary and design furniture.

The adapted signature


Finding this signature means embodying the platform's discourse through decorative elements, marking the spirits during visits and events, and creating and making visible the homogeneity of the brand while respecting the diversity of the fleet.

The right mix & match for a homogeneous and signed result

Decoration & furniture selected to instill comfort & well-being within the yachts. A unique and human experience entirely dedicated to the future users.