Kotska, what is it?
Kotska: a creative consulting & strategy office
The core of our profession is strategic planning to develop projects that are at once sensitive, homogenous, structured and structuring. Everything is done by a strong team that will make this positioning, identity, layout or internal architecture happen…
© Marie Hudelot

© Philippe Ramette
© Florentijn Hofman
© Liu Bolin
Kotska Consulting
Our mission is to understand your company and the world around it to generate a synthesis of who you are and what you are working towards.
- Strategic planning
- Naming
- Trendsbook / Brandbook
- Reflection, Research & Conceptualization
- Strategy and communication plan
- Project management
Kotska Design
Design is the visible part of our reflection or the creative incarnation of your positioning which can have various aspects:
- Establish a creative brief
- Give advice on and define a visual identity
- Conception / Realization of tools and means for communication (brochure, leaflet, catalogue, status report, 360° campaign OR ad campaign)
- Support for or realization of Web tools (Site, App, News …)
- Consultation on creative direction and photography
- Plans & 3D OR 2D & 3D planning (outlines, sketches, mock-ups)
Kotska Art
Implement an idea in an existing design space – for solid, embedded, sustainable projects need multiple skills:
- Spatial layout
- Marketing Follow-up
- Special decoration
- Special events: conception, production, realization …
- Art partnerships: institutions & art spaces
- Collaborations with artists
- Special artistic events
Photo : Seher Shah
Based on a project, Kotska brings together experts to answer your questions OR meet your needs as closely as possible. We offer a strong concept that has been adapted and put together for a custom-made response: one office and one project manager who specifically selects the strategic and creative team to develop your project.

Marion Guillot
Project Director
Anais Coulammeidine
Project Planner
The network
Project dealerThe strength of a network
Creative directors, graphic designers, typographers, photographers, webmasters, artists, set builders and press offices are some of the many expert talents that animate the Kotska network.
Want to join the Kotska team?